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Wholesale Underwear Business Startup Pallet


1000 Items Per Pallet


Business Startup



Ex High Street Mix

Price £1.25 Each

Availability: In stock

Are you looking to start your own underwear business? This might be the opportunity you’re looking for!

We have the perfect solution for you with our wholesale startup pallet of underwear. This pallet includes a huge range of underwear for women. You'll find bras, pants, bra-lets, boxers, tank tops, vests, and tops, as well as some leggings.

This pallet includes items from ex-high street labels such as Topshop, Primark, ASOS (Fashion Forms), Bershka, and more. With a huge range of colours and styles, this pallet is perfect for anyone looking to start up an underwear re-selling business.

Underwear is one of the quickest sellers online, providing an easy path for you to earn extra income. The price is discounted for startups to support them on their journey.

If you have any questions, we're happy to help.

Good luck on your wholesale underwear business journey!

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